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Bel Ami Pin Ups Young And Tender


Summary: Bel Ami and master director/producer George Duroy have long been famous for their simply gorgeous and ultra handsome young men. The incredible youthful glow, flawless complexion, hot tight bodies, and of course their amazingly beautiful and ample dicks! Enjoy fourteen of those studs as Pin Ups: Young & Tender transports you into the midst of Bel Ami photo sessions!

There's not enough room here to describe all 14 of these young Adonis's, but there is surely something here to please everyone. Dark haired gods, blonde beauties, smooth guys and hairy guys, but most noticeable of all, their big cocks.

Bel Ami Pin Ups Young And Tender

Under normal circumstances, a cute, young guy hanging around the main train station would definitely mean only one thing, today it just means that Kirk is running late to meet young Jorik on his trip in from his hometown. After exploring the sites of the `shortcut` home we are treated to some hot twink-on-twink action (that is if Kirk still counts as a twink!)

When we first met Mikey last year in his photo session, he was leaner and clean-shaven. The Mikey we get to meet today is much more manly, with a bad-boy haircut, stubbly beard, and a buffer body to go along with it. The easy-going smile is still the same though as is his chatty and friendly demeanor. It might surprise you to find out that the more `mature` Mikey that you see today, is actually a year younger than the version we all saw in his picture set!

There is nothing better than some hot fucking to follow a hard workout, especially for Christian, who has been tasked with the job of whipping young Ashton into shape. After a quick lesson in self-defense, the boys move on to a longer lesson in the best alternative to fighting, making love.

Description / Review: The three elements of a star model are a handsome face, a muscular body and a large penis. All the young men in XL Files 5 are outrageously over-qualified in the dick department.

It's always a surprise and a joy when Bel Ami's model scouts uncover young men with major meat. Bel Ami quickly puts them on their Casting Couch and gives them screen tests - and they just keep on cumming!

The three elements of a Bel Ami star model are a handsome face, a muscular body and a large penis - and all the young men in XL Files 4 are outrageously over-qualified in the dick department. It's always a surprise and a joy when BelAmi's model scouts uncover young men with major meat ....

The three elements of a star model are a handsome face, a muscular body and a large penis. All the young men in XL Files 5 are outrageously over-qualified in the dick department. It's always a surprise and a joy when Bel Ami's model scouts uncover young men with major meat. Bel Ami quickly puts them on their Casting Couch and gives them screen tests - and they just keep on cumming!

fort (adj.) 1. strong. 2. of the age of reason, about six or seven years old. J' étais déjà fort quand ma mère a mouri. (I was already out of babyhood, of the age of reason, when my mother died.) Comment fort il était?How old was he [in speaking of a young child]?

Duroy lost his self-possession upon being ushered into a world as yetstrange to him. However, he advanced. A young, fair woman received himalone in a large, well-lighted room. He paused, disconcerted. Who wasthat smiling lady? He remembered that Forestier was married, and thethought that the handsome blonde was his friend's wife rendered himawkward and ill-at-ease. He stammered out:

The bell rang again and the servant announced: "Mme. de Marelle." Shewas a dainty brunette, attired in a simple, dark robe; a red rose inher black tresses seemed to accentuate her special character, and ayoung girl, or rather a child, for such she was, followed her.

Duroy bowed. The door opened again and a short man entered, upon hisarm a tall, handsome woman, taller than he and much younger, withdistinguished manners and a dignified carriage. It was M. Walter,deputy, financier, a moneyed man, and a man of business, manager of "LaVie Francaise," with his wife, nee Basile Ravalade, daughter of thebanker of that name.

M. Walter put on his spectacles in order to examine Duroy. Then hesaid: "I am convinced that M. Duroy is original, and if he will callupon me tomorrow at three o'clock, we will arrange matters." After apause, turning to the young man, he said: "You may write us a shortsketch on Algeria, M. Duroy. Simply relate your experiences; I am surethey will interest our readers. But you must do it quickly."

When the party left the dining-room, Duroy offered his arm to thelittle girl. She thanked him gravely and stood upon tiptoe in order tolay her hand upon his arm. Upon entering the drawing-room, the youngman carefully surveyed it. It was not a large room; but there were nobright colors, and one felt at ease; it was restful. The walls weredraped with violet hangings covered with tiny embroidered flowers ofyellow silk. The portieres were of a grayish blue and the chairs wereof all shapes, of all sizes; scattered about the room were couches andlarge and small easy-chairs, all covered with Louis XVI. brocade, orUtrecht velvet, a cream colored ground with garnet flowers.

The young man rose to take his leave, fearing he might spoil hisconquest by some awkward word. He bowed to the ladies, clasped andgently pressed their hands, and then shook hands with the men. Heobserved that Jacques Rival's was dry and warm and responded cordiallyto his pressure; Norbert de Varenne's was moist and cold and slippedthrough his fingers; Walter's was cold and soft, without life,expressionless; Forestier's fat and warm.

"That means that I like you"; she raised her eyes to the young man'sface, took his arm and leaning upon it, said: "Let us drink a glass ofwine and then take a walk. I should like to go to the opera like this,with you, to show you off."

They began to chat at once as if they were old acquaintances, and infive minutes an intimacy, a mutual understanding, was establishedbetween those two beings alike in character and kind. Suddenly theyoung woman said in surprise: "It is astonishing how I feel with you.It seems to me as if I had known you ten years. We shall undoubtedlybecome good friends; would that please you?"

The child entered, advanced to Duroy and offered him her hand. Theastonished mother murmured: "That is a conquest." The young man, havingkissed the child, seated her by his side, and with a serious airquestioned her as to what she had done since they last met. She repliedin a flute-like voice and with the manner of a woman. The clock struckthree; the journalist rose.

The carriage stopped at her door, but she did not rise; she did notmove, stunned by what had just taken place. Fearing that the cabmanwould mistrust something, Duroy alighted from the cab first and offeredhis hand to the young woman. Finally she got out, but in silence.Georges rang the bell, and when the door was opened, he asked timidly:"When shall I see you again?"

"Yes, sir; as well as she always is," was the reply, and he was usheredinto the salon. He walked to the mantelpiece to see what kind of anappearance he presented: he was readjusting his cravat when he saw inthe mirror the young woman standing on the threshold looking at him. Hepretended not to have seen her, and for several moments they gazed atone another in the mirror. Then he turned. She had not moved; sheseemed to be waiting. He rushed toward her crying: "How I love you!" Heclasped her to his breast. He thought: "It is easier than I thought itwould be. All is well." He looked at her with a smile, without utteringa word, trying to put into his glance a wealth of love. She too smiledand murmured: "We are alone. I sent Laurine to lunch with a friend."

He took the child upon his knee. At twenty minutes of three he rose togo to the office; at the half-open door he whispered: "To-morrow, fiveo'clock." The young woman replied: "Yes," with a smile and disappeared.

Norbert de Varenne and Jacques Rival came together. A door opened atthe end of the room, and M. Walter entered with two tall young girls ofsixteen and seventeen; one plain, the other pretty. Duroy knew that themanager was a paterfamilias, but he was astonished. He had thought ofthe manager's daughters as one thinks of a distant country one willnever see. Then, too, he had fancied them children, and he saw women.They shook hands upon being introduced and seated themselves at a tableset apart for them. One of the guests had not arrived, and thatembarrassing silence which precedes dinners in general reigned supreme.

They parted without another word. Duroy did not remain late; as hedescended the staircase, he met Norbert de Varenne, who was likewisegoing away. The old poet took his arm; fearing no rivalry on thenewspaper, their work being essentially different, he was very friendlyto the young man.

He stopped, took Duroy by his coat collar and said slowly: "Ponder uponall that, young man; think it over for days, months, and years, and youwill see life from a different standpoint. I am a lonely, old man. Ihave neither father, mother, brother, sister, wife, children, nor God.I have only poetry. Marry, my friend; you do not know what it is tolive alone at my age. It is so lonesome. I seem to have no one uponearth. When one is old it is a comfort to have children."

When they reached Rue de Bourgogne, the poet halted before a highhouse, rang the bell, pressed Duroy's hand and said: "Forget what Ihave said to you, young man, and live according to your age. Adieu!"With those words he disappeared in the dark corridor.

The young man brought with him a kind, old priest who accommodatedhimself to circumstances. When he had entered the death chamber, Mme.Forestier went out and seated herself with Duroy in an adjoining room. 2ff7e9595c

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