Does anybody KNOW ANY TREASURE BOOK CODES?! Im sick of CP having only COOL clothes for members and NOT non-members. And ive been looking for sites for treasure book codes but it just shows nothing!! Pleaseee tell me a code for a girls outfit!!! thanks :
Codes can only be used ONE TIME. They unlock a certain number of treasure book items, depending on how you got the code. YOU get to chose what item(s) you get. To get a treasure book code YOU have to BUY and CP toy at a store, IN REAL LIFE. It is VERY hard to find someone who is willing to give away their code, because they payed real money for it. Usually, if someone is giving away a code it is a big, public event on their blog/website. It will probably be a contest of some sort, and MANY penguin will enter. All in all, the chances of unlocking a treasure book code without buying CP merchandise is about 1 in a million. However, the toys that CP sells at local stores are not that expensive, and the items last forever, so the treasure book is really quite a good deal.
club penguin unlocking treasure book
I know some of the codes for the newer books out if u give me one unused code i swear to give u these i am an international club penguin code hunter my penguin is Zues109 and is very valuable i am an expet. that is all i ask do u acept my request thank u i am a big fan
Today CP released the seventh book of the revised version of the Treasure Book, which is the 20th Treasure Book in CP history. It featured old items from the former Series 1-13 treasure books, the Super Exclusives as usual, puffles and coins. It is amazing to see the old items coming back, but penguins would still need a coin-shaped product key found in penguin or puffle plush toys to unlock those items. NAH, Polo Field (@polofield) confirmed that the new edition of the Treasure Book wont be out for a while. He said it a while ago:
Hey Chilli, a long time ago I asked you how to get in to the earlyer treasure books right? Well I asked cp and the told me how! Ok, Well if you want to get in Do NOT buy a puffle cp toy! it will always bring you to the most current treasure book. Buy a cp penguin toy. But Look closely at the tag. It will say the series. If it is a penguin toy then it will unlock you into the treasure book of the same series it is! ?
Anonymous said...where do you get this tresure books or unlock this thing??? sooo confused.....***************Well to just look at the treasure book. go on CP and click toys and then click view the treasure book. u cant get anything but it is fun to look at. To actually unlock it. u need an actual CP toy from disney store, target or toys r us. Puffles unlock the latest series so if u want series eight get a puffle. Penguins unlock a certain series that they are from so be sure to get one!
Anonymous said,Man Mimo where do you get the treasure book?----------------------------------Jojojo33342 said,Well, you can't get them. You have to get a Club Penguin toy and there will be a coin. When you buy it there will be a code on the coin. Unlock it and you can get any item you want in the book. I hope you'll be satisfied.-Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...where do you get this tresure books or unlock this thing??? sooo confused....._________________________________You can see the treasure books by going to the toys page and clicking "view the treasure book". You can also unlock it with coin codes from cp toys. Hope this helped!-turtle140(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...Man Mimo where do you get the treasure book?________________________________You can get the treasure book with a cp coin code, or you can see it on the toys page by clicking "view the treasure book".-turtle140(CPG MOD)
Tracy said...what is the treasure book?_______________________________The treasure book is a book that you can unlock with cp coin codes. In it you can unlock cp items. Hope this helped :)-turtle140(CPG MOD)
sweet i unlocked the super exclusive page on no.7 of the items book. Plus two cool items you could get are the beta hat t-shirt and a blue umbrela!XD ps. you also get an additionl two items when you type in your fith item code s well s unlocking the awsome page.Waddle on cpg
Lets say i bought a series 5 puffle toy. do i get to unlock items from ANY treasure book or just the series 5 treasure book?Please tell me!By the way nice post i really like the exclusives page!
This is our Club Penguin book codes collection for the Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin book! Search through our huge list of Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin book codes to unlock items for your penguin. For instructions and tips on unlocking book codes, visit our Club Penguin book codes page. 2ff7e9595c